Villeneuve Properties for Lease
Looking to lease a commercial/industrial property in Villeneuve, Alberta? Here are the properties we currently have at Villeneuve Airport (presently leased):
- Villeneuve Airport Hanger #9: 2850 square feet, 55’ x 16.5’, State of the Art remote controlled hanger door. 14 x 14 RV Bay door, 2 washrooms, shower, in floor heat – Presently Leased
- Villeneuve Airport Hanger #10: 2413 square feet, 50’ x 16.5’, State of the Art remote controlled hanger door. 14 x 14 RV Bay door, 2 washrooms, shower, in floor heat – Presently Leased

Villeneuve Airport Hanger Leasing
Location: Villeneuve, Alberta